Tuesday 6 October 2009

Ins and Outs

This weeks Ins and Outs. Here we go!


1. Seeing Arsenal at Emirates on Sunday. Fun times.

2. Finally sending off her provisional licence and setting the whole driving thing into motion. Scared but excited.

3. X Factor live finals. Need I say more?

4. Spending my birthday money.


1. It not being my 21st birthday anymore. I was looking forward to it for ages and it came and went in a flash. Next stop is 30.

2. Having no time in the week. I shouldn't complain about this because I had the most chilled out summer but suddenly going from nothing to a packed schedule is a bit of a shock to the system. I guess I'm like every other person now.

3. It pouring the last 2 days. Not good.


Thursday 24 September 2009

20 Questions

Clearly I am bored.

20 Questions Tag
1.Thing you cannot leave the house without
My handbag, but if I’m just nipping out then I’ll take my phone, keys and money.

2.Favorite brand of makeup
Mac or Benefit – high end wise. For drugstore I’d go with Barry M or Maybelline.

3.Favorite Flowers
Roses I guess, though my knowledge of flowers is pretty limited.

4.Fav clothing stores
Zara, Topshop, River Island, Paper Sun.

5.Fav perfume
YSL Elle

6.Heels or flats
Flats for the day, heels for the night

7.Do you make good grades?
Yes but haven’t always, certainly not in biology which was the bane of my life. I also was terrible in spanish. Everything was ‘me gusta’ and ‘muy aburrido.’

8.Fav colors
Pink, purple, yellow and black

9.Do you drink energy drinks?
Lucozade sport during in tennis and occasionally red bull.

10.Do you drink juice?
All the time, especially apple and grapefruit.

11.Do you like swimming?
Not too fussed. Not in some skanky pool.

12.Do you eat fries with a fork?
No, who does that?

13.Whats your fav moisturizer?

14.Do you want to get married later on in life?
I guess but only if I found Prince Charming.

15.Do you get mad easily?
At certain times of the month. I get more irritated rather than mad

16.Are you into ghost hunting?
I believe in ghosts but I would never look for one.

17.Any phobias?
No real phobias but I don’t like heights or small spaces.

18.Do you bite your nails?
No but they do break easily

19.Have you ever had a near death experience?
Apparently when I was young my dad left me in the garden and nearly froze to death. Men.

20.Do you drink coffee?
Occasionally but am more of a tea drinker.

6 products I cannot live without, or else I will die from Mac withdrawal symptoms.

Pardon the bad photography. Nigel from Antm I am not.

Mac eye shadow in Satin Taupe

Oh Satin Taupe baby where have you been for the other 19 years of my life? Obviously the best eye shadow, suits anyone and just makes your eyes bigger and prettier. I command you to purchase it. Thank me later when you're are engaged to a hot spaniard named Miguel. Satin Taupe is the equivalent of Jesus.

Mac Studio Fix Fluid.

This was an old favourite that I stopped buying as it is more of a summer foundation for me. I’m far paler in the winter and it’s just not the right colour match. However, now I’m a fully paid-up member of the ‘I just happen to be tanned all year round, clearly the sun and I are on good terms club’ Studio fix fluid has fallen back in favour. More of a going-out foundation as its pretty thick but it lasts all night and covers up very well.

The Body Shop’s Camomile gentle eye make-up remover.

Again, only had this a week but it is easily the best eye make-up remover I’ve ever used. It is very soft and removes even the stubborn bits of mascara and eyeliner. At £7 its pricey than say Garnier or Johnsons remover but the quality is better, so don't be a stinge.

St Tropez self- tan

Ok, I’ve only had this week so maybe this is a tad presumptuous but…..this is Queen bee of fake tans. It’s a mousse that’s quick and easy to apply, giving off a nice light golden glow to my pale- self. The great thing is, is that it fades gradually over a few days, without going blotchy. Love love love….. Word of warning though, make sure you let it dry throughly as it can stain. You don't wanna look like youve just soiled yourself.

YSL Elle perfume

This is my favourite sent which I got last Christmas. It’s the perfect day or night fragrance, sweet but with a hint of musk. It lasts all day but it doesn’t become sickly or overwhelming. Gotta love the pink bottle too! It’s a fairly pricey perfume but YSL looks classier on your night stand.

Batiste dry Shampoo in tropical.

This a fairly recent love but now a firm favourite. It’s a great pick-me up between washes when your hair is kinda on the turn. It also livens up the colour at the roots and takes away that dull look. Its a great lazy item.

Love and stuff!

Tuesday 21 April 2009


Actually done 700 words of the 2000 target. 2moro's gonna be a longgggggggggg day.

Off out to JT with Siany, Mir, Fil and Annabelle. Will be nice to catch up, and get all the latest goss. Sadly I won't be contributing too much to that, it's all very dull my end.

Currently looking forward to the ball and Shanel's 21st. May should be a good month. An another reason to buy more dresses.


Saturday 18 April 2009

Ins and outs


Britains got talent. The perfect reality show fix before my beloved, and God of all entertainment shows......X FACTOR comes back to consume my life.

Twitter. Starting to see the point, and am using it more.

Tennis. 10 sets, 4 days. I'm shagged but still keen!


Fabianskis pitiful performance at Wembley today. Boo hoo.

Looming poetry assignment which is gonna actually cause pain. Mental pain

My lightweight form returning. 3 wines and I'm out.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Just call me Federer

Played 3 sets of mixed. Way harder than anticipated. Still think he's kinda cute, in a strange kinda way.....
More tennis 2moro.........I must be crazy.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Major Out

Andy Roddick marrying his child-bride model this weekend. Alas, I've missed my chance and therefore will never be truly happy. Alright I'm joking but I give it 2 years max.

More Ins and Outs


Zak Efron appreciation. Never really saw what all the fuss was about, figured he was solely for tweenies to drool over while at school. However, since '17 again', I have completed changed my mind. Oh I love you Zacquisha!

Football. Relegation battle, champions league drama, Benitez going crazier by the minute. How could you ever want the season to end?

Barry M and GOSH make up. My new drugstore loves. Slightly worried when Farj sees how much Ive spent this month...


Lack of plans. I should be grateful that I'm not some poor soul in debt, but the idea of the next few months floating around, not gd.

Ok magazine. Getting tired of endless Jade coverage. Todays' interview with Jade'. Huh? She's come back from the dead to fill Ok in on life without a body. Turns out its extracts from her diary of death or something. So morbid.

The government. Roll on the next general election please.


Monday 13 April 2009

Ins and Outs

Ins - the tennis season is about to begin - excitement!

Daily running and now using the new rowing machine. I feel far more energised. Bring on Britney abs!

For some reason raspberries are the new strawberries. Summer fruit awaits.


Bad Easter weekend weather. Curse you Mother Nature

Ex boyfriends suddenly talking to you again

Boys who can't take a hint and want another chance. No means no you CRETIN!

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Ins and Outs

The Apprentice. Totally a reason to get up on a wednesday. Having said that, the characters this year are a bit dull. Hopefully it'll liven up a bit soon.

Mac Studio sculpt and shape - a must have make up item.

Mini eggs. Hey, it's nearly easter and I have the right to indulge.

Fake tan. It aint my fault I'm one shade off albino.

The recession. Aint got no job, and aint got enough money. Damn Fred Goodwin.

Man Utd. Stop winning and keep the title race interesting.

Alan Shearer. Should of stayed on MOTD.

The Daily Irritation

When people write 'first' when commenting on videos. Seriously what's the point? Today, I happened to be the first to comment, and then someone writes 'second' underneath my comment. PATHETIC.

Sunday 5 April 2009


The irony is I have no real news. I'm still pretty poor, and all my spending plans will have to be put on hold for awhile. Sad times.

Love the Ciara/Justin tune. Catchy!

Finally on my Easter break - yayness. Sometimes doing nothing is all you need.

Played tennis yesterday and wasn't too happy. It was only social so I wasn't really concentrating but my forehand wasn't up to scratch. Gonna have to iron that out before the season starts.

Shopping 2moro but won't be able to buy very much. Damn this recession and my student status.


Thursday 2 April 2009

The Daily Irritation

Swollen boobs - Way too painful for this warm weather.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

The Daily Irritation

Today's irration.................G20 Protesters. Seriously, haven't you guys got to go to work?

P.s Youtube's April Fools joke of upside down text? Was funny, now annoying. I swear April Fools is only before 12........


Moments of the Day

1. The 'Shag, Marry, or push off a cliff' game. A great source of amusement, when I really should of been in my seminar. Whoops!

2. Stewie Griffin quoting. I want that evil/gender-confused baby in my handbag. Keys, phone, stewie?

3. Shanelle annoucing her friend visited mid-wax. Her timing was way off.

4. Me, discovering the essay aint as hard as I thought it would be.

5. Shearer joining Newcastle - can't see it working. Loving the disillusioned geordies on Talksport actually believing they're gonna to beat Chelsea on Saturday. He's a man not a miracle.


Tuesday 31 March 2009

The daily irritation

Todays irritation consists of people, who feel it is necessary to state the length of their relationship on their fb profile, ' 6 months', BOLLOCKS. Do I care you have been stuck with same drip for the past 6 months? No I don't. You will break up eventually, so please keep it to yourselves.

Another irritation, since when has 6 months been a significant anniversary? You have Gold, Silver, all that jazz. 6 months? I'm guessing that's the tracing paper of anniversaries.....


P.s You can tell there is no boyfriend in my life.

perving over Roddick/Verdasco

Briefly saw Verdasco play earlier, waiting for Roddick now. Slightly wishing she was in Miami right now......

P.s still have 50 pages of the war time/lesbian novel to be getting on with.


Making Alex create a blog. Oh the influence!

My first entry

This is my first entry so bare with me.....

what I'm doing right now:

1. Procrastinating

2. Avoiding reading the Nightwatch. War/lesbians not my to my literary taste.

3. Yeah, that's about it I'm afraid.

I tried.