Tuesday 31 March 2009

The daily irritation

Todays irritation consists of people, who feel it is necessary to state the length of their relationship on their fb profile, ' 6 months', BOLLOCKS. Do I care you have been stuck with same drip for the past 6 months? No I don't. You will break up eventually, so please keep it to yourselves.

Another irritation, since when has 6 months been a significant anniversary? You have Gold, Silver, all that jazz. 6 months? I'm guessing that's the tracing paper of anniversaries.....


P.s You can tell there is no boyfriend in my life.

perving over Roddick/Verdasco

Briefly saw Verdasco play earlier, waiting for Roddick now. Slightly wishing she was in Miami right now......

P.s still have 50 pages of the war time/lesbian novel to be getting on with.


Making Alex create a blog. Oh the influence!

My first entry

This is my first entry so bare with me.....

what I'm doing right now:

1. Procrastinating

2. Avoiding reading the Nightwatch. War/lesbians not my to my literary taste.

3. Yeah, that's about it I'm afraid.

I tried.